Your thoughts are a powerful tool for healing

Your thoughts create your vibrations. They can help you or hinder you. 

“It’s going to be hard.⁠”

“It’s going to take a long time.⁠”

“I’m not sure if I can.⁠” 

These words have lower vibrations. They are contracting and disempowering as if you have already given up or decided you cannot do it.

Here are my suggestions.

“I am willing to _____.⁠” 
“I am open to ______.⁠”
“I am ready to____.⁠”
“I can  ____.⁠”

These words are so much more empowering and supportive.

Choose the one that resonates with you. Say it out loud at least 10 times.  Repeat 3 times a day even if you don’t believe it yet.

Think of it as a way to reprogramme your mind. By repeating your words like a mantra, you create new vibrations within.

You may notice an inner voice creeps up….. “I’m not worthy”, ” I feel guilty”, ” This is silly.”, ” I’m scared.” etc..

It is your wounded self talking in your mind.

It is a sign you need to repeat the affirmations.  

Be patient and consistent, especially when going through a tough time. It’s when the body needs your support the most.

⁠The universe always responds to your thoughts and provides what matches your vibrations.