You have come to the right place if you want to....


Reduce anxiety and manage stress in a healthy, natural way


Increase confidence and vitality


Let go of unprocessed emotions and find peace


Free yourself from unhealthy habitual patterns


Learn to work with lower vibrational (often referred as 'negative') emotions


Let go of limiting beliefs and live a more fulfilling life


Love and accept yourself as you are

Group Healing

Sound Healing is an ancient energy medicine. Let the healing sound and vibrations wash away your stress and unprocessed emotions. Energy clearing is an important aspect of self-care. Regular Group healing can lead to a transformational shift.

Private Group Healing

Experience Sound Healing with your partner, friends, family and colleagues. Available by appointment. 


Restorative Yoga and Sacred Sound Healing combined for deep relaxation and healing. Everyone is welcome. Held monthly. 

Private Healing

14 Chakra Healing and Sound Healing combined for maximum benefits. Work with the subconscious mind to attain sustainable shifts. Release unprocessed emotions, trauma and limiting beliefs and step into a new version of yourself.

Online Studio

Ancient Healing Meets Modern Technology.
Access Sound Healing from the comfort of your home. Live recordings of Sound Healing sessions are available in our online studio. Stay tuned as we continue to upload more programs and recordings.