Frequently Asked Questions

Sacred Sound Healing Group
Do I sit or lie down?

You can do either. Chairs are available at the studio.

What do I need to bring?

All bookings include a Sound Healing mat, blankets and cushions, however, you are welcome to bring your own, and anything else that may help you relax, ie an eye mask, your favourite crystals.

What do I wear?

Wear something comfortable and warm. Even though the room is kept warm,  the body temperature often fluctuates during healing. 

Do I have to introduce myself to the group before the session?

No. As soon as we get settled, we will start the healing work.

Is it like a Sharing Circle?

No. There is no expectation for you to share your experience/thoughts with the group. But if you would like to do so, you can at the end of the session. Feel free to stay behind to have a chat with me in private.

What if I start crying or feel emotional?

This is a non-judgmental space. Whatever you experience is what you need. Crying is a sign of strength. We release a lot through tears. So if tears come up, let it happen.

Feeling emotional is an indication that something is shifting within. Breathe through it without thinking too much. Sound and Vibrations work through your energy field into your physical body dissolving energy stagnations and blockages where unprocessed emotions are stored. When your body responds to healing vibrations, the emotions come up to be released. You may notice it during the session or 2-3 days afterwards. It will ease over time.

Do I still receive the benefits if I fall asleep during the session?

Absolutely YES. When we are asleep or close to falling asleep, our busy mind is taking a break. The body’s innate healing ability is maximised.

What if my mind never stops during the session?

You are still receiving benefits from healing. If your mind is busy all the time, it may take a while to get used to it. Interestingly, sometimes what we want to let go of appears to be heightened during the healing process. It will become easier.

I am a little bit of scared of group stuff

Even though this is a group session, your experience is unique to you only, and there is no judgement or expectations. Everyone is welcome to join and receive healing. If you are worried please let me know.

So what actually happens during the session?

After a short guided meditation, you will start hearing chanting and singing bowls. I am fully guided by my intuition throughout the session. The session ends with the sound of the Wind Gong and chanting. Afterwards, I share with you my observations. 

Is it pregnancy-friendly?

Yes. The sound of singing bowls is said to ease discomfort during pregnancy and labour pains. Regular self-care is important for a healthy pregnancy. Make sure to bring extra cushions to support your body and baby.

Is it suitable for kids?

Yes, as long as they are willing to come, and feel comfortable being in the same room with other people for 60 mins. Kids under the age of 16 must attend with an adult.

How would I feel afterwards?

Most people feel relaxed afterwards. You may notice less physical pain, less anxiety, and feeling light. The body continues to process for a couple of days after the session. Stay hydrated and be kind towards yourself.